We bade farewell to our Minister on July 14th.

Rev Lorna Valentine has accepted a new stationing post in Wisbech and will be moving during August.
A special farewell service was held on July 14th. The congregation filled the church and sang many hymns and songs to send her on her way. 

Lorna and Mark also received gifts from a number of groups during the day.

Hello and welcome to the Shefford Methodist Church website. 

We try to post a weekly newsletter each week to keep people up to date with events and concerns.

The Need Project on a Wednesday morning welcomes all who need a helping hand with free food. 
It is filled every week with a variety of best-before date food that the supermarkets have to throw out on that day. 
Sometimes we have flowers, drinks, fruit and veg in abundance - we always have bread and cakes. We never know what we will be having!

Open now from 9.00-11am you will be sure of a warm welcome and a cup of tea or coffee from our friendly team. 
No referral is needed. It is open to all. You can come from anywhere to collect food if you are in need.

To know and love God more fully and to encourage others to do the same

Sunday Services

  Regular service time 9.30 .  
First Sunday of the month joint circuit worship 10.30am

See the Newsletter page for details.
Coffee mornings first Saturday of the month 10am-12.