
Thursday Fellowship Group

This group meets for talks, prayer and fellowship at 3pm at the back of the church. All are welcome.

For more information contact Pauline on:01462 815268

Fellowship programme:


Feb. 6th Father Canon Benny Noonan

Feb. 13thRev.Andrew Hollins 

Feb. 20th Jim Ragless

Feb. 27th Rev.Paul Langham

Mar.  5th Esther Buss

Mar. 12th Rev, Andrea Bryden

Mar. 19th  Jan and Paul

Mar 26th Jenny Dann

Apr. 2nd Members = Easter hymns

Apr. 9th Rev.Lorna Valentine

Apr. 16th  No meeting

Apr. 23rd Margaret Brewer

Apr. 30th Rev.Prof.Peter Byass

May 7th Members

May 14th Rev. Jane Wheatley

May 10th (SUNDAY) Easter offering service at Priory - 4:00pm 

May 21st Rector Caren Topley

May 28th AGM

Jun.  4th Rev.Lorna Valentine

Jun.11th Summer meeting at Trinity - -2.30pm